eB Capital.
Investing and endeavoring
in the Brazil of tomorrow

We believe that investments in the real economy that help solve Brazil’s structural gaps represent the best business opportunities and returns. We support the best companies to reach their potential, with management and execution capacity, as well as promoting the best ESG practices.

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tons of plastic recycled per year

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Students enrolled in vocational technical education per year

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of households reached by our fiber optic internet access

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laboratory tests performed per year


Alloha is the largest independent fiber optic platform in Brazil, bringing high-quality fiber optic connections to the whole country. Today, the company has eight regional operations and is present in more than 260 cities, reaching more than 1.2 million customers.

Investment date: Dec’18


Proz is the leading vocational education platform in Brazil. We seek to provide quality education that creates opportunities for employability for our students and thus transforms our country. Today there are more than 30 schools and more than 30,000 students currently enrolled in Proz.

Investment date: Oct’20

Loja do Mecânico

Loja do Mecânico is an ecosystem designed to assist self-employed professionals (such as mechanics, carpenters, plasterers, tinkerers) with an omni-channel solution that meets all the needs in terms of machines and tools that these professionals need to practise their occupations. Besides e-commerce and physical stores, the platform offers financial solutions for our clients’ businesses and professional and educational content designed to increase their productivity.

Investment date: Nov’20


GreenPCR is one of the pioneers in bottle-to-bottle PET recycling in Brazil, with the second largest installed PET recycling capacity in the country and food-grade approvals from major brands. Focus on meeting the pent-up demand from large multinationals that have aggressive targets for the use of recycled materials in their production, impacting the country.

Investment date: Jul’22

Global Pet

Global PET is the third largest recycler of PET plastic in Brazil in terms of installed capacity, certified by ANVISA and the FDA. The company supplies high-purity PET PCR resin to the converting and packaging industries, supplying major brands with high quality standards.

Investment date: May ’23

Blue Health

Blue Health is a one-stop-shop for the medical equipment sector, selling, renting and providing maintenance for machinery focused on solutions for imaging diagnostics and IVD (in vitro diagnostics). Blue Health’s focus is on the decentralization and reduction of cost in Brazil’s healthcare system.

Investment date: Aug’22


The decentralization of the access to healthcare to point-of-care is a trend in Brazil and around the world. Hilab offers less invasive tests, with high quality and adequate prices. It is one of the pioneers in the health sector with an innovative business model for clinical analysis tests conducted at the point of care (“POC”), offering +40 test results in up to 30 minutes via its devices.

Investment date: Nov’22


We helped create the world’s largest wine subscription club and the leader in Brazil’s import ranking. In addition to Clube Wine, e-commerce and the Wine Vinhos app, the company has more than 15 physical stores. With the acquisition of Cantu Importadora in 2021, Wine consolidates its position as a major player in the B2B channel that includes off-trade (hypermarkets, supermarkets, grocery stores, etc.) and on-trade (bars, restaurants, etc.) and continues along the path of omnicanality. We helped transform the company into a multi-channel player by supporting the creation and expansion of the physical store model and by establishing strategic partnerships.

Investment date: Dec’18



We helped create the largest distributor of corporate supplies in Brazil, a national leader in the supply of highly recurring items such as office supplies, cleaning materials and disposables, through an expansion project and improvements in several areas of the company.

Investment date: Nov’17

We focus on theses that aim to solve bottlenecks in Brazilian infrastructure in a sustainable way, driven by global trends, in businesses that are resilient to economic cycles, with significant growth opportunities.


biosolutions platform

Founded by Sebigas Cótica and eB Capital, Bioo is a biosolutions platform that transforms agricultural and industrial waste into bioproducts. Guided by the circular economy, mitigation of emissions and odors, zero waste and operational safety, we actively work to treat and transform waste into biomethane, food-grade carbon dioxide and organic fertilizer through a unique organic recycling platform in the country, handling waste from various producers with industrial quality standards.

Investment date: Apr’23

We believe that investing in real estate is part of the diversification strategy of any portfolio.

By focusing on investments in high-end real estate assets, we have managed to navigate the volatility of the various economic cycles with resilience and a better risk-return ratio, capturing real appreciation in the long term.

Our origination team is experienced and multidisciplinary, able to identify and execute excellent opportunities regardless of real estate cycles, alongside “best-in-class” operators, generating value for our investors, partners and clients.


A Geração Distribuída (“GD”) é o ativo ideal para estrear no setor de transição energética, por seu apelo ambiental (fonte renovável), social (redução do custo de energia), e sua solidez financeira, com contratos ligados à inflação. Por esses motivos, a geração solar será a grande fonte de expansão do sistema elétrico brasileiro, além de prover aos indivíduos e pequenas empresas acesso aos descontos na conta de energia. A E1 Energia e a GD Solar são os sócios ideais para a eB Capital, uma vez que possuem grande capacidade de execução e conhecimento setorial, estando presente no mercado de geração distribuída desde 2015. Atuava em desenvolvimento de projetos para grandes players do setor.

Data do Investimento: Out’22



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Documentos Eb Capital

Documentos Eb Cred Agro